Baptism is the first of the Seven Sacraments which Christ Himself left to his Church. This Sacrament opens the door to sacramental life and established for us a special Covenant with Jesus. Original sin is washed away and we become the Children of God. We recommend baptizing infants as soon as possible so that they may benefit from sanctifying grace at life’s start.
If you are a Parishioner, call the Rectory to arrange for your child’s Baptism on a Sunday or Saturday afternoon. If you are a non-Parishioner we will be happy to discuss your situation. All are welcome.
Confirmation is the second Sacrament of Christian initiation. The calling down of the Holy Spirit by the Bishop brings His special gifts to each Candidate. It is the Sacrament which puts a seal on our Baptism and confirms us in our Catholic Faith. Candidates should be registered Parishioners and at least a Sophomore in High School.
Please contact the Rectory for information. Adults are normally confirmed by the Pastor at the Easter Vigil after a year’s preparation called Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.)
The Eucharist is the third Sacrament of Christian initiation. In the Eucharist we receive the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. The word Eucharist comes from a Greek word meaning “thanksgiving.” At every mass we offer thanksgiving to God for the Sacrifice of the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of His Son which takes place at the Altar. We adore the Eucharist in our tabernacle and offer Eucharistic devotions on First Friday’s after the 8:00 AM Mass and every Saturday after the 12:00 PM noon Mass.
First Holy Communion is generally received in 2nd Grade. CCD classes are offered from September to May. Each Candidate must attend these classes and be a registered Parishioner. For more information, please contact the Rectory.
This Sacrament, also commonly known as Confession, is an important part of out spiritual life. It restores us to Sanctifying Grace and renews our friendship with Christ. This sacrament should be received often, but at least once a year. First Communion children ordinarily make this Sacrament just before receiving first Communion.
The Sacrament is offered every Saturday from 4:00-4:45PM. However, any Priest may be approached at any time if there is a need.
Holy Matrimony, or Marriage, is the Sacrament in which a man and a woman are united in a Holy Bond which begins at the Altar and endures until death. It is an unbreakable union blessed by the Church in the presence of a Priest or Deacon. The Marital Process begins about a year before the Weddings and involves meetings with a Priest and participation in a Pre-Cana Program in our local area. One of the parties should be a member of the Parish. Please contact the Rectory to speak to a Priest to begin this process.
This is a unique Sacrament when a man is called by God to offer his entire life to Christ and His Church. By virtue of Ordination a Priest is a Minister of the Sacraments and of Proclaiming God’s Word in the Holy Gospels. Seminary training is normally four years after College. Any man who feels this special call from God should speak with the Pastor who can guide him in the right direction.
This seventh Sacrament was called “Extreme Unction,” that is “Last Anointing.” Nowadays the Church has evolved in a wider use of the Sacrament. It is not only administered to those who might be near death, but is frequently given to the elderly, the sick, those preparing for a serious operation and for any illness or weakness of the Body. This Sacrament may be received at anytime by simply notifying a Priest in the Parish.